Net sales by business area 2021/2022 2020/2021
Quarterly data, SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 828 691 604 593 576 582 502 520
Electrification 732 677 618 602 572 539 529 554
Energy 992 918 895 937 756 824 825 866
Industrial Solutions 720 722 602 625 530 460 414 396
Process Technology 649 585 545 527 498 481 456 476
Group items -5 -7 -7 -5 -5 -5 -3 -7
Addtech Group 3,916 3,586 3,257 3,279 2,927 2,881 2,723 2,805
EBITA by business area 2021/2022 2020/2021
Quarterly data, SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 103 76 73 56 77 54 46 40
Electrification 89 73 83 73 63 51 60 62
Energy 125 114 112 116 95 98 100 100
Industrial Solutions 125 133 102 92 67 72 64 49
Process Technology 84 74 64 77 30 43 42 53
Group items -9 -11 -9 -12 3 -14 -6 2
EBITA 517 459 425 402 335 304 306 306
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -81 -77 -74 -70 -69 -66 -64 -63
– of which acquisitions -74 -73 -70 -67 -64 -62 -61 -60
Operating profit 436 382 351 332 266 238 242 243
Net sales 3 months Rolling 12 months
SEKm 31 Mar 2022 31 Mar 2021 31 Mar 2022 31 Mar 2021
Automation 828 576 2,716 2,180
Electrification 732 572 2,629 2,194
Energy 992 756 3,742 3,271
Industrial Solutions 720 530 2,669 1,800
Process Technology 649 498 2,306 1,911
Group items -5 -5 -24 -20
Addtech Group 3,916 2,927 14,038 11,336
EBITA and EBITA-margin 3 months Rolling 12 months
31 Mar 2022 31 Mar 2021 31 Mar 2022 31 Mar 2021
SEKm % SEKm % SEKm % SEKm %
Automation 103 12.5 77 13.4 308 11.4 217 10.0
Electrification 89 12.2 63 11.0 318 12.1 236 10.8
Energy 125 12.6 95 12.6 467 12.5 393 12.0
Industrial Solutions 125 17.3 67 12.6 452 16.9 252 14.0
Process Technology 84 12.8 30 6.0 299 12.9 168 8.8
Group items -9 3 -41 -15
EBITA 517 13.2 335 11.4 1,803 12.8 1,251 11.0
Depr. of intangible non -current assets -81 -69 -302 -262
– of which acquisitions -74 -64 -284 -247
Operating profit 436 11.1 266 9.1 1,501 10.7 989 8.7


Net sales by the subsidiaries geographical location

Net sales by the subsidiaries
geographical location
3 months
31 Mar 2022
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 254 398 263 390 164 -3 1,466
Denmark 168 67 282 16 117 -1 649
Finland 142 116 71 147 114 -1 589
Norway 41 73 192 25 150 0 481
Europe 218 68 168 90 95 0 639
Other countries 5 10 16 52 9 0 92
Total 828 732 992 720 649 -5 3,916
Net sales by the subsidiaries
geographical location
12 months
31 Mar 2022
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 859 1,442 1,008 1,497 528 -8 5,326
Denmark 587 244 1,160 48 418 -9 2,448
Finland 469 439 243 515 489 -5 2,150
Norway 137 254 697 81 517 -2 1,684
Europe 653 191 561 352 332 0 2,089
Other countries 11 59 73 176 22 0 341
Total 2,716 2,629 3,742 2,669 2,306 -24 14,038
Net sales by the subsidiaries
geographical location
3 months
31 Mar 2021
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 186 324 196 309 112 -1 1,126
Denmark 121 60 230 12 96 -3 516
Finland 101 98 51 81 88 -1 418
Norway 44 59 159 17 127 0 406
Europe 123 23 100 83 71 0 400
Other countries 1 8 20 28 4 0 61
Total 576 572 756 530 498 -5 2,927
Net sales by the subsidiaries
geographical location
12 months
31 Mar 2021
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 653 1,265 938 1,053 401 -8 4,302
Denmark 514 222 983 49 398 -7 2,159
Finland 410 392 211 354 369 -4 1,732
Norway 141 212 678 75 486 -1 1,591
Europe 457 71 376 137 233 0 1,274
Other countries 5 32 85 132 24 0 278
Total 2,180 2,194 3,271 1,800 1,911 -20 11,336

Net sales by the customers geographical location

Net sales by the customers geographical location 3 months
31 Mar 2022
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 209 243 246 262 149 1 1,110
Denmark 164 84 247 8 98 -2 599
Finland 140 98 63 123 115 -7 532
Norway 58 79 191 29 92 4 453
Other Europe 225 180 183 183 143 -6 908
Other countries 32 48 62 115 52 5 314
Total 828 732 992 720 649 -5 3,916
Net sales by the customers geographical location 12 months
31 Mar 2022
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 683 875 928 968 531 -6 3,979
Denmark 537 300 933 30 348 -2 2,146
Finland 458 353 240 454 407 -5 1,907
Norway 192 284 720 108 325 -3 1,626
Other Europe 738 646 691 679 509 -6 3,257
Other countries 108 171 230 430 186 -2 1,123
Total 2,716 2,629 3,742 2,669 2,306 -24 14,038
Net sales by the customers geographical location 3 months
31 Mar 2021
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 138 199 201 200 105 -9 834
Denmark 121 62 169 9 87 14 462
Finland 105 82 53 110 81 -12 419
Norway 49 59 157 40 81 10 396
Other Europe 140 128 117 101 104 -5 585
Other countries 23 42 59 70 40 -3 231
Total 576 572 756 530 498 -5 2,927
Net sales by the customers geographical location 12 months
31 Mar 2021
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 522 762 871 678 402 -5 3,230
Denmark 461 238 730 30 334 -2 1,791
Finland 397 316 228 374 310 -4 1,621
Norway 185 227 677 137 310 -3 1,533
Other Europe 528 490 508 345 399 -5 2,265
Other countries 87 161 257 236 156 -1 896
Total 2,180 2,194 3,271 1,800 1,911 -20 11,336

Net sales by the customers segment

Net sales per customers segment 3 months
31 Mar 2022
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Vehicle 58 110 20 245 39 -2 470
Mechanical industry 224 81 69 72 110 -8 548
Data & telecommunication 25 51 89 0 0 -8 157
Medical technology 141 66 10 7 39 -28 235
Electronics 66 161 50 0 6 -9 274
Energy 50 110 387 7 97 15 666
Forest & Process 99 7 30 252 188 11 587
Building & installation 33 51 228 22 32 26 392
Transportation 33 15 69 50 104 3 274
Other 99 80 40 65 34 -5 313
Total 828 732 992 720 649 -5 3,916
Net sales per customers segment 12 months
31 Mar 2022
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Vehicle 190 394 75 907 138 -19 1,685
Mechanical industry 733 289 262 267 392 22 1,965
Data & telecommunication 81 184 337 0 0 -40 562
Medical technology 462 237 37 27 138 -59 842
Electronics 217 578 187 0 23 -22 983
Energy 163 394 1,459 27 346 -3 2,386
Forest & Process 326 26 112 934 669 39 2,106
Building & installation 109 184 861 80 115 55 1,404
Transportation 109 53 262 187 369 3 983
Other 326 290 150 240 116 0 1,122
Total 2,716 2,629 3,742 2,669 2,306 -24 14,038
Net sales per customer segment 3 months
31 Mar 2021
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Vehicle 29 80 8 186 25 -35 293
Mechanical industry 132 63 53 64 90 -21 381
Data & telecommunication 46 46 68 0 0 16 176
Medical technology 132 63 8 5 30 -4 234
Electronics 23 114 38 0 5 -4 176
Energy 23 86 340 11 70 55 585
Forest & Process 75 0 15 175 139 -23 381
Building & installation 23 40 144 21 15 20 263
Transportation 35 11 45 42 105 -4 234
Other 58 69 37 26 19 -5 204
Total 576 572 756 530 498 -5 2,927
Net sales per customer segment 12 months
31 Mar 2021
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Vehicle 109 307 33 630 96 -41 1,134
Mechanical industry 502 241 229 216 344 -58 1,474
Data & telecommunication 175 176 294 0 0 35 680
Medical technology 501 241 33 18 115 -1 907
Electronics 87 439 164 0 19 -29 680
Energy 87 329 1,472 36 268 75 2,267
Forest & Process 283 0 65 594 535 -3 1,474
Building & installation 87 154 621 72 57 29 1,020
Transportation 131 44 196 144 401 -9 907
Other 218 263 164 90 76 -18 793
Total 2,180 2,194 3,271 1,800 1,911 -20 11,336

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